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Executive editor Jaeeun Shin and editor-in-chief Laurel Hopkins (center) with LII Supreme Court Bulletin editorial board Cracking the Supreme Court code for global audiences...

Karim-Aly Kassam (center) inviting villagers in Savnob to a meal before the workshop that would begin the research project. Photograph: Tobias Kraudzun Traditional Practices, Local Knowledge, Modern...

Coming to Campus in August 2018 Dedicated to diversity of thought and connecting people, places and ideas The gold-painted shipping container, equipped with immersive audiovisual technology and...

November 8-9, 2018 at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York You are invited to join a dialogue on emerging global grand challenges: a two-day symposium to address how we can best live...

“You can’t do this work without having deep, trusting relationships with your partners ... It takes commitment over time, plus mutual trust and care, in order to learn and grow together through challenging times.”

The IAD fellowship program has a host of distinguished alumni working all across Africa for 30 years.