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Travel Policies

International travel is best undertaken by well-informed travelers. The International Health, Safety, and Security team supports and facilitates safe, healthy, and secure international travel for the Cornell community.

Student holding a map looking out of a train car at the station in Amsterdam.

Updated June 22, 2022

University Travel Policy Update

Effective June 22, 2022 

Due to the high rate of vaccination among the Cornell community, we have removed COVID-19 travel restrictions for students, faculty, and staff traveling on Cornell business. This shift requires travelers to be responsible for understanding potentially complex border restrictions and entry and re-entry requirements. Due to changing conditions, travel policies are subject to updates, as the health and safety of the Cornell community are of the utmost importance.

Cornell International Travel Registry

  • All students, staff, and faculty are required (per Policy 8.5) to add their Cornell-related international travel plans to the Cornell International Travel Registry. We recommend registering two to six weeks before departure to ensure the most accurate travel information can be recorded. Once recorded, you may login to the registry to update your registration details at any time.

ITART Petitions - Two to Four Weeks Prior to Departure

International travel policies apply to outbound Cornell travel only. Inbound travel is not considered Cornell travel and does not fall under the purview of these guidelines. To learn more about traveling to the U.S. and Cornell's campus, please visit the International Services travel page.

Cornell-supported International Travel

What is considered international travel?

International travel is travel outside of the United States, its possessions and territories, and between any two countries.

What types of international travel are supported by Cornell's International Health, Safety, and Security team?

  • Cornell directed or supervised travel: Travel by a member of the Cornell community that is mission-related and organized and overseen by Cornell. Examples include, but are not limited to:
    • Cornell course activities and programs that are supervised by, and fully or partially supported by Cornell, such as international Cornell faculty-led courses
    • Cornell study abroad programs
    • Travel that fulfills Cornell grants or contracts
    • Faculty, researchers, and officers traveling internationally on University business
  • Cornell facilitated or supported travel: Travel by a member of the Cornell community for a specific activity that is not managed or overseen by Cornell but furthers academic or professional objectives related to Cornell, is meaningfully vetted by Cornell, and is either arranged or funded by Cornell. Examples include, but are not limited to:
    • Approved study abroad or exchange programs, with another university or outside organization for which there is an active agreement in place
    • Cornell-arranged internships for which there is an active agreement in place
    • International travel by graduate or professional students to do independent research for their dissertations within absentia status

All Cornell students, faculty, and staff engaging in international travel as outlined above are required to register in the travel registry.

What is considered non-Cornell or personal travel?

Travel that is not directed, supervised, facilitated, or supported by Cornell (see above) falls under the definition of personal travel. Personal travel is not covered by Policy 8.5. Examples include, but are not limited to:

  • Travel such as for spring break, vacations, visiting family or friends, or returning to one’s home country for purposes other than conducting research in said country.
  • Self-identified and self-organized summer study abroad programs with no oversight from Cornell, with or without the intention of transferring credit back to Cornell.
  • Travel organized by third-party providers for individuals or groups who are not current Cornell students, faculty, or staff.

Personal or domestic travel should not be registered in Cornell's travel registry.