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Global Antiracism

The events of 2020—a year marked by a pandemic and worldwide protests against racism and racially motivated violence—confirmed that meaningful change requires diverse perspectives and joint action.

Global Cornell leads and organizes campus conversations, public engagement, and advocacy about racism around the world and the structures that sustain it. We host teach-ins to identify racism and opportunities for change, highlight the diversity of experiences at Cornell, and speak across differences.  We build connections by working with a range of campus partners, researchers, and student organizations. 

Global Cornell's antiracism advocacy is part of Cornell’s commitment to public engagement and community action. Learn more about inclusion, engagement, and advocacy for Cornell's international community.

Black and white image of people standing with their hands in the air.

Silence is Racism

When President Pollack declared Juneteenth a university holiday in 2020, the campus community took the day to reflect on the role of structural inequalities, racism, and violence in our lives and work. Global Cornell staff and faculty came together after Juneteenth to have a discussion about inequality and discrimination. Silence is Racism is a collection of some of our thoughts.

Akepiyapornchai race and racism art

Race and Racism Across Borders

Crossing borders—whether by traveling away from home or encountering new people where we live—can confirm or upend our viewpoints on race, racial stereotypes, and racism. Race and Racism Across Borders is a collection of selected prose, poems, and visual art submitted by Cornell students and alumni who gained new knowledge about racial dynamics by crossing a literal or figurative border.


Across Global Cornell

Einaudi Inequalities

Einaudi GPV racial justice

Public scholarship on inequality, race, and social justice

Migrations Initiative

People bent over walking through a field picking strawberries.

Researching, teaching, and building for a world on the move

Office of Global Learning

Students gathered on Ho Plaza holding signs about climate change.

For international students: Protests and your rights

Campus Resources